Of course there are many other examples of religious discrimination by small fringe cults that are similar
to the JWS where the individual goes through much pain and suffering just because that person wishes
not to participate in this select religious faith. In indifference to these small cults the larger main stream religions
such as the Catholics, Protestants and Anglicans will not try to inadvertently disrupt that persons close
relationships with other members in the church that they had originally chosen. Such as that member being announced
of being disfellowshipped at the church and and instructions given out to the rest of the members to not associate with
this person. And this in my opinion is where these certain cults violate a persons legal freedoms and civil liberties.
In essence they have intensionally created their own set of rules and laws that breaks and goes against the laws of the
land for which they have been given an opportunity to worship in. They too are responsible to abide and obey these laws
in supporting individual civil liberties, like it or not.
Organized religions are institutions that are still being over looked by are governments in regard to their behavior and actions.
In my opinion the JWS directly running on their own laws by design have broken the law regarding a persons liberties for freedom of
choice of religion, inciting pain, suffering and discrimination.